Sellers Items to Consider Checklist

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Thinking of Selling Your Home?

Here's Your Homework When You Work With Us


                Your Name(s):                                                                                                       Date:

                Property Address: 


Things we need you to do now

Find a mortgage broker/lender if you are planning to buy another property after you sell your current property. We recommend comparing at least two lenders/mortgage brokers to see who will give you the best terms and rates.

Our favorite lenders can be found on our website at:

This way you know if you can afford to buy another property and, if so, if it makes sense to sell now.

We will review and sign the following documents:

  • Agency Disclosure
  • Exclusive Right To Sell Agreement - Date for MLS
  • Lead Form (if applicable- house built before 1978)


We will ask you to fill-out the following forms - either online or we can provide a copy:

Seller's Questionnaire

Any upgrades Or Improvements to property

We will review an Offer form - this is the usual document buyrs submit

We will reviews any accompanied riders received with an Offer.

Interview and Hire an Attorney. Our favorites can be found here:

Generally real estate attorneys cost between $700 - $1500 .

The attorney I have picked to hire is (email this information to us):




Change privacy settings on Facebook and Linkedln to highest security settings.

Do not post anything about your being for sale as it can be used against us during negotiations

Learn about a home warranty - could be a negotiating tool for the buyer.

Decide if you want Open Houses. If so, how often and what day/time is best for you?

Make a set of all house keys for us

Have us come and do a staging evaluation. Repair, replace, etc. any items on the staging evaluation checklist before the house goes on the market

Deep clean the house the day before it goes On the market Or have someone come and clean for you - we can arrange this if need be.

Arrange for pets to be Out Of the home or contained in a crate during showings.


Hide all valuables including money, passports, jewelry, electronics and any prescriptions medication. Password protect all computers

Set up a time to speak with us once per week from now until the house sells

Once the above is completed let us know so we can order the photography & virtual tour.

Discuss with us the possibility of multiple offers, low appraisals, quick closing dates, etc.

Weekly review the competition listings we will send to you via MLS to get to know your competition, see when they do price reductions, see what price they sold.

Once a contract has been accepted

We will let you know when the home inspection will occur so you can vacate the property.

Home inspections generally take about 2-4 hours (depending on size of house).

Start looking for a new home if you need to buy something before moving and continue the mortgage approval process.

We will send executed contracts and inspection reports to you and your attorney.

If there are inspection issues, we will negiotate with you.

Once attorney review has been cleared

We will send you a receipt showing all escrow money deposit.

Hire a mover and begin packing - after commitment date.

Call and arrange for utilities to be stopped the day after closing.

Online forward all mail to new address

Arrange for home owner's insurance to stop the day after closing,

Gather funds to cover the closing costs Attend closing
