Step 26 - Attend Closing

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Preparing for the Closing

Review and sign Your Closing Documents 3 business days before the closing date, your real estate attorney will provide you with a Closing Disclosure (CD) and a Loan Estimate (LE). These documents outline the terms of your loan, including interest rates, closing costs, and other financial details. Carefully review these documents to ensure accuracy and clarity.

You will need to bring a certified check (not a personal check) or arrange for a wire transfer to cover your closing costs. Make sure you have the necessary funds available in your account well in advance of the closing date.

What to Expect on Closing Day
Location and Attendees Closing typically takes place at your attorney's office. The key participants at the closing include the buyer, seller, with their real estate agents and an attorney.

You will be presented with a stack of documents that require your signature. These documents may include the deed, the mortgage note, the settlement statement, and various disclosure forms. Be prepared to ask questions and seek clarification if anything is unclear.

Once all the documents are signed, you will provide the funds required to complete the purchase. These funds include your down payment, closing costs, and any other agreed-upon payments.

Obtaining the Keys After all documents are signed and funds are transferred, and we are notified that "you Are On Record" at the Registry of Deeds in the house's county building.  The seller will provide you with the keys to your new home. Congratulations, you are now a homeowner!

Post-Closing Considerations
It's essential to retain copies of all your closing documents in a secure location. These documents are crucial for tax purposes and may be needed for future reference.

If you encounter any issues or discrepancies after the closing, don't hesitate to reach out to our real estate team or attorney for assistance.

Update Your Records Ensure that your new address is updated with all relevant parties, such as the post office, your employer, and any financial institutions.